Sunday, April 21, 2013

My commitment to myself

Christmas was approaching and once again, I wasn't feeling very good about my body.  Our annual family trip for the holidays should have been the incentive I needed, but somehow I couldn't get by mind and my body to agree on a plan.  Okay, I'll just go on the trip, enjoy myself and deal with this in January, besides, I will be cooking for the entire clan and eating those buckeyes and Christmas cookies I prepared for the trip.  Who diets at Christmastime anyway...silly idea. 

Even all the bike riding and exercise I got shopping (after Christmas sales), didn't keep me from putting on a few more pounds.  Perfect New Year's resolution!  But then again, maybe that isn't really a good time to start either.  After all, I will be cooking a feast on New Year's Day.  Black eye peas with hog jowl, rice, fried chicken, collard greens, cornbread and dessert, of course.  Now for the record, I don't normally eat like that.  I am basically a very healthy eater but during the holidays, all that goes out the window. 

A few years ago, I started to gain weight and I am not really sure why.  Oh, I could blame it on a few things, stress, retiring from my job to take care of grand babies, menopause, lack of exercise, eating TOO much healthy food, maybe too much Greek yogurt (which I am totally addicted to).  Each year I seemed to be putting on 4-5 lbs for the last several years and I don't recall doing anything different.

I had tried half hearted on my own, then Weight Watchers a few times, then after watching a few episodes of Dr. Oz, I was convinced I had it together.   He named a few herbs for reducing belly fat (which I ran out and purchased), eating more lean protein, a handful of nuts each day, just a few tweaks here and there and you will see amazing results.  Yeah, I can do this.  After three weeks, I think I managed to put on a few more pounds and certainly didn't feel any better. 

During this time, each picture that was taken of me, I immediately deleted while scanning through. 
I hated the way I looked!  My grandsons, ages 4 and 6 began to make comments, not realizing how hurtful they were.  They ask why my arm muscles hung down below my arm and Pop Pop's were on top.  They ask why Pop Pop was stronger than me when my muscles were bigger than his.  They ask if I had a baby in my tummy.  They were actually doing me a favor, because I really began to take a look at myself and the image they had of me. 

I began to research everything I could about "healthy" diets.  If I was going to be totally committed, I had to feel good about what I was putting in my body.  I discovered many programs that I certainly could have lost weight on but each one was ruled out for various reasons.  Dangerous herbs, artificial sweeteners, too few carbs, controversial ingredients.  I wanted to be healthy, not put my life in more danger!  I discussed it with my daughter, who is probably the cleanest eater I know, and she knew someone that sells a product that is nutritionally sound.  I did a little research on my own after she gave me the name and on March 21, I made the commitment and began my journey.

To Your Health,

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