Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Before and Where I Am Today.....

My before and Where I Am Today.....
When I see pictures of myself before I began my journey to a healthier life, I see toxic fat and inflammation.  I have lost 37lbs and 57 inches.  I see someone that was sad and embarrassed.  Someone that was missing out on life and all it has to offer.  It had become routine to make excuses when ask to a function because it was too difficult to find anything to wear that I felt pretty in.  Putting on a swimsuit was out of the question. It was painful to walk past a mirror and see myself looking overweight and frumpy.  Today, I feel happy and proud of how far I have come.  I am not as thin as I would like to be but I no longer hide my flaws with sweaters and jackets.  I embrace each and every day with confidence and appreciation and know that I have found the secret to the "fountain of youth".  Life is good.  If you are feeling like my before picture, I would love to show you how easy it is to lose weight and enjoy your life too. 

To Your Health,

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